I have a family member who has been very sick for the past 6 months.
This person is followed by an OSF physician who we have known and trusted for years. I sent this OSF physician an e mail the other day at his OSF e mail address.
This e mail contained an up to date medical problem list to keep him totally informed regarding the family member’s acute and chronic problems. It explained how she was regarding vital signs, oxygen level, blood tests, medications, diet, activity, etc. A very important e mail.
He did not receive my e mail at his OSF address. So I sent it again to his personal e mail address and he did receive it.
The OSF physician called me Sunday night (last night) to discuss at length each medical problem on the list. They are all important.
My wife was followed by an OSF provider as well. Her e mails went unanswered by the provider because he did not receive them.
My son, did not receive his surgery at OSF last summer. Time drug on as documented on a former post. So we took him out of state to a well known pediatric center where he was taken care of very quickly.

My e mails have been blocked by OSF which is of course obstructing medical communication with my family and their doctors.
In the meantime Haitian Hearts patients continue to suffer and die in Haiti due to OSF’s policy of rejecting all of my patients.
The founding Sisters of the Third Order of OSF would not be happy about how their hospital, founded on a philosophy of love, is actually functioning in 2008.
Dr Carroll,
I want to know more. I want to help. What's the most appropriate first step someone like me can take to make a positive difference in Haiti and especially the people there?
Your blog has inspired me.
Dear CC,
Please e mail me at haitianhearts@gmail.com.
I realize how ignorant I am about what is going on around the world. I am glad that there are people doing something and also sharing news
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