Last week Heureuse survived Gustav and acute congestive heart failure at the same time. She lives in a slum near the ocean in Port-au-Prince.
Frandy, our 19 year old contact in Haiti, is doing all he can to help with Heureuse.
Frandy is very poor and doing what our very rich Catholic medical center in Peoria should be doing.
See below a chat I had with Frandy yesterday regarding Heureuse.
From: Dejean Frandy
Date: Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Chat with Dejean Frandy
To: haitianhearts@gmail.com
4:50 PM me: frandy, did you see heureuse today?
4:51 PM Dejean: yes i did
she's doing better
me: what do you mean by better?
4:52 PM Dejean: when arrived at her house, so she was cooking
she's not too bad
now she's able to get 2 or 3 meals by day
me: is she breathing better?
4:53 PM Dejean: yes
me: is she happier?
is she sleeping better?
Dejean: yes
yes sir
me: is she walking outside or does she stay inside?
4:54 PM Dejean: and tomorrow, i'll take to Pilie's clinic
me: good
Dejean: she even has opportunity to kook food
me: please have him send me the results of the echo via e mail...
Dejean: she cooks everyday now
ok i will
4:55 PM she said hello to you
me: i need the results right away...STAT...please tell heureuse hello for me...
4:56 PM henri adrique needs to see pilie also...please pay for his echo too if he has no money....
Dejean: ok
about Henrique's case, i am sorry i don't any money to do that
i don't have
4:57 PM me: frandy, heureuse cannot run out of medication....please go to Grace Children's and get more meds for her if she needs them...before she runs out...
Dejean: ok
she has some for now
4:58 PM me: check her medicines for her before you leave for pilie tomorrow and take all of her pills with her to dr pilie...see which ones she is short on...find out which ones she needs...
Dejean: ok
i will
4:59 PM me: i just got an echo result from dr pilie for suze....wait a minute please....
Dejean: ok
that's fine
me: ok...
5:00 PM frandy, thank you and I will wait to hear from dr pilie tomorrow about heureuse....i will e mail dr pilie now....
Dejean: ok
5:01 PM i hope you get all the information
me: please tell dr pilie that heureuse needs to be on potassium supplement.
thank you and bon nuit...
kembe fem
5:02 PM Dejean: thank you very much
may God bless you
5:03 PM byeeeeeeee
me: by
Dejean: tell your family hello for me
me: ok
Dejean: aaaaa you are very welcome
Dr. Carroll--we will be leaving for Port au Prince in early October and will be staying with the Missionaries of Charity at 31 Delmas. We would be glad to take anything you might need to send to Heureuse or if we can help in any way with her situation. If we can help, please e-mail me at dwelter9@yahoo.com. (We live in northern Illinois not too far from Peoria if that helps.)
Thank you.
I will update Heureuse's condition and status on this blog.
I may take you up on your generous offer...it will depend on how and where Heureuse is.
Thanks again.
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